A local resident is so concerned after the silver recycling bin was left in the road on a number of occasions near a dangerous bend that he has taken the issue up officially once again after earlier requests seem to have failed.
He has written to Cheshire East saying:
"Dear Mr Topping,
On Tuesday this week the Silver S.U.L.O. bin was again left in the road outside my property. Is it impossible for the Cheshire East refuse disposal organisation to understand the potential dangers of this practice? Is there a breakdown in communication between CE Refuse Dept. and the contractor / operatives regarding this potentially hazardous practice?
"Surely it's not rocket science to replace a S.U.L.O. bin back into a position so as NOT to potentially endanger individuals?
"As the attached photograph(s) show, at either side of my property there are two bends which give limited visibility to the road ahead. Vehicles tend to travel too fast for this road and the mal-positioning of this bin only adds to potential dangers and significantly increases the potential for collisions.
"As your position within Cheshire East encompasses the service of refuse collection and
disposal could you please again take action to remedy this potential dangerous practice?"
We understand Mr Topping has responded saying he has passed the email to the refuse collection team.
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