"Would you like to do a 1950's Pin Up photo shoot?" was the question. "Have you seen my legs? I don't think so, do you?" came my reply.
Then they re-phrased the question slightly and it turned out, they didn't actually want me, they wanted my house. I can hear you all breath a collective sigh of relief!
For those of you that don't know, I live in a kind of a "Shrine to the 50's". Not my words, the words of the great Eamonn Holmes when he, Fiona Phillips and a film crew popped in to have a look around a few years back.
Anyway, a photographer saw my place in Audlem on TV and wanted to do a 1950's (tasteful I hasten to add) Pin Up shoot. "Not quite sure what I have to do" I said. "Lend us your house, keep the kettle on the boil and leave the rest to us" were their instructions so that's exactly what I did.
The results of that first shoot were fantastic! They even managed to somehow make my house look like there wasn't any dust anywhere. Brilliant! Mind you, I do give it a good dusting once a year...whether it needs it or not.
That first shoot was 18 months ago and there has been 9 here since then with different photographers and models. It's not just the house that interested them though; the rear of my place is a bit like a Western film set and the garage is, to quote one photographer; "Like a Museum of things you don't see, or want anymore".
All the shoots have been great fun and, the results of the last one can be seen in this month's copy of 'Vintage Life' Magazine (Issuse 8, out now). Buy it, safe in the knowledge that me, or my legs, aren't in it!
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