Readers who missed 'The Big Switch On' last night maybe interested to know that our intrepid reporters were out with their cameras capturing the festive mood. The video should start playing automatically above. You can also access it through YouTube directly.
Helped by a dry, very pleasant evening, massive crowds flocked to Wharf last night to see the arrival of Santa Claus on Audlem Lass as the boat wove its way through floating candles with several showy spins to delight eager children and adults alike.
Santa then led the procession through the beautifully lit village to see the large tree in the Square illuminated by Olive & Geoff Stretch's grandson Ellis. Geoff and Olive had sponsored the lighting display this year to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Earlier, the children had begun the night with the FASA parade of children from the school while down on the Wharf, the Audlem Lass team were lighting the floating candles to make wishes and raise funds for the RNLI.
Even adults were moved by the magical sight on the canal as Santa floated by in style, a wonderful start to another great Audlem event organised by ADAS, FASA, Audlem Traders and the Audlem Lass team.
The Big Tree has been kindly donated to ADAS and the Village by Angela and Graham Allinson of Hatherton. For more information click here.
This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.
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