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Big day for Audlem today

2nd May 2006 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Audlem is being judged this afternoon for the Calor 'Best of the Best' village competition. We are one of 35 villages competing for a £21,000 first prize as the best village over the ten years that Calor has been sponsoring this very successful competition. Originally there were 41 villages involved but it appears a number have dropped out of the running.

Audlem was asked to compete after winning last year's Calor northern 'Village of the Year' competition and we were also the Defra national winners of the 'Building Community Life' competition. All the national and regional winners over the past 10 years across England, Wales and Scotland were invited to compete for the 'Best of the Best' award. There is a £20,000 first prize while each regional winner, including the national winner, will receive £1,000.

The judges will be seeing a presentation by village representatives in the Methodist Church from 2.30pm and will then travel by coach and horses to the Public Hall where village organisations, clubs and societies are putting on a display of village activity. This was being built yesterday and work continues this morning.

We will then have to keep our fingers crossed. The final result will be announced in London in September.

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