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Big Audlem weekends coming up

29th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Next Saturday, it's the Audlem Bonfire & Fireworks. Possibly the busiest event all year in the village. Have you bought your tickets yet? It's a fantastic show.

But then look what's coming the weekend after – a festival of performing Arts & Music is coming up to warm your souls now the dark nights have arrived. Ian Haughey writes: 

A heady mix of theatre and music of undeniable quality will be literally on your doorstep, and a more varied pallette you will not find outside of the major towns.

Friday 9th November – Theatre

Touring Arts visiting Audlem (t.a.v.a.) are fetching Trifle Gathering Productions 'A Curious Evening of Trance and Rap with the Ogden Sisters', staged at Audlem Public Hall at 8.00pm.

Tickets: £9 adults; £6 children & concessions. Suggested age 10+ but happy for you to use your discretion

Saturday 10th November – Theatre

Audlem's own Touring Arts Theatre, Day-Star Theatre, are performing at 'home' A Night at Blackstone Hall, written and performed by the popular touring theatre.

The Scout & Guide Hall Theatre cafe is a small intimate venue well suited to a Day-Star theatre performance. A relaxed atmosphere where you can fetch your own supper & drinks and be right at the heart of the performance. 

Tickets are £7.50 and can be reserved in advance from Hoc's Fat Pigeon in Audlem or via e-mail to

Tables/seats are limited so book early – Doors open at 7:30pm, Performance at 8:00pm. promoter: Hoc19 Events

Saturday 10th November – Music

The 15th Audlem Bagpipe and Hurdy Gurdy Day from noon onwards at the Bridge Inn. Always a fascinating afternoon of musical bewilderment, a mixture of what can only be described as folk roots and beyond.

As has always been the case, musicians and singers of all persuasions will be welcome.  With a change of venue or, a return to the folk roots venue, The Bridge Inn will be hosting this event.

For further information contact John Hardy on 01270 811446 or Ian Bloor at

Saturday 10th November – Music & Dance

To mark Armistice Day, Saturday 10th November will see Audlem's Public Hall transported back in time to the 1940s as The Trent River Big Band have been invited back to perform at 'A Wartime Dance'. 

Organised by ASET, this night is set to be an evening of good old fashioned entertainment. 

Whether you love dancing and want to throw on your glad rags and stockings, or simply want to come and listen to the music, the evening is sure to be enjoyed by all. 

A bar will be available and tickets are just £10 from Audlem Post Office.

Email or telephone: 01270 811211 

Please be quick to get your tickets, this event sold out fast last year.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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