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Beware of ICY Conditions!

31st January 2019 @ 6:06am – by North West Ambulance
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North West Ambulance Service, Director Operations Ged Blezard comments: 'As with all road users, in the current snowy conditions, our ambulances are not able to travel as quickly as usual and so we would ask the public to please be patient if calling 999 ' we will reach you as quickly and safely as we can. Our phone lines are very busy and we must prioritise those who are seriously ill or have life-threatening conditions. For non-urgent conditions, please use 111 online or call 111 for advice.

Thankfully, we are not having any major problems in terms of staff reaching stations to start their shifts, however, we have asked mountain rescue teams across the region to be on standby and non frontline clinical staff will also be responding to emergency calls.

'Driving conditions are treacherous so please do take care, keep speeds low and a good distance between you and the vehicle in front. Pavements and pathways are also very slippery so unless your journey is absolutely necessary, we would advise people, particularly the elderly, to stay indoors and keep warm.'

Alice Finch

Communications Officer (Media)

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