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Bare-ARS strides out

1st April 2010 @ 6:06am – by Audlem Webteam
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Fresh from the success of Short-ARS – shorter walks than the normal ARS expeditions – the Audlem Ramblers Society has now come up with a new idea to broaden the group's appeal.

Inspired by the Naked Rambler, a group of local walkers will embark today on the first ever Bare-ARS hike. They will, of course, have to wear boots and socks and, for reasons of decency, will hold their rucksacks in strategic positions as they pass through the village.

Those joining this new group are keeping their identities secret for the time being but say they plan to bare all in the very near future.

We are not sure if that's a passing reference to rumours that the famous artist Spencer Tunick, who specialises in photographs of large groups of naked people at famous landmarks, may be interested in a taking a Bare-ARS shot in front of the Buttermarket.

If so, watch out on Audlem Online as we will publish this photo, warts and all, as soon as it's available.

The group is also planning a trip to the Emerald Isle in the near future where, a Bare-ARS spokesperson says, they can enjoy the craic to the full.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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