Ed:Please refer to the article from Catherine Corbett of Audlem Boots pharmacy for VE/Bank Holiday opening times here
A Cheshire GP has reminded people that many community pharmacies will be open on Friday, May 8th 2020 for the Bank Holiday to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
Dr Graham Duce, clinical lead for medicines optimisation at NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group, stressed that pharmacists are highly-qualified healthcare professionals able to advise on a wide range of common ailments and recommend over-the-counter or pharmacy-only medicines.
Appointments are not needed to see a pharmacist and many pharmacies have private consultation rooms where people can seek advice in confidence.
Dr Duce reminded patients that GP practices will be closed over the Bank Holiday weekend and that they should order repeat prescriptions as early as possible, either using the NHS or Patient Access App or by notifying their GP surgery.
"If you need to collect a prescription but have coronavirus symptoms or are self-isolating at home, please arrange for a friend, relative or volunteer to collect it for you. Also, please only order repeat prescriptions in your usual quantities and at the usual time. This will help the NHS keep supplying medicines to everyone who needs them," he said.
Visit www.cheshireccg.nhs.uk/help-us-help-you/pharmacy/ to find out more about community pharmacy and to find a pharmacist near you.
Visit www.cheshireccg.nhs.uk/help-us-help-you/self-care/ for advice on stocking your medicine cabinet and how much it costs.
Although GP practices will be closed for the Bank Holiday, the GP Out of Hours service will be available for people who need it. Anyone who has an urgent medical problem and is not sure what to do should visit NHS 111 online or call 111. Call handlers will refer patients to the Out of Hours service if necessary.
Pharmacies will be open from 2pm to 5pm as a minimum on the bank holiday, with some open for longer.
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