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Audlem's Climate and Nature Event!

22nd July 2021 @ 6:06am – by Chris Thornton
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Saturday, 18 September

Save the date! On Saturday, 18 September 2021 at the Buttermarket in The Square, community groups involved in ACER (Audlem's Carbon Emissions Reduction) will hold Audlem's Climate and Nature Event. Come along and join in the buzz around reducing emissions, preventing pollution and restoring nature!

18-26 September 2021 will be the Great Big Green Week, a national week of events celebrating action on climate change organised by a coalition whose members include the WI, Christian Aid, Tearfund, CPRE, the Wildlife Trusts, Woodland Trust, RSPB, WWF, and many more. For more information about the Great Big Green Week click  here.  

Time is running out to deal with the climate and ecological crises. We should do our bit, but governments, public services and big business can make a much bigger difference. There are two hugely important global summits on both climate and biodiversity later this year. Leaders must commit to taking the urgent actions necessary to prevent runaway climate change destroying our children's life on earth. And we need to let them know that we expect them to do so. Around Audlem's Climate and Nature Event we will be collecting signatures on a petition to send to the climate summit in Glasgow in November.

Plans for activities at Audlem's Climate and Nature Event are still being developed and will be updated on the ACER website If you want to get involved with the event, contact

Ed – ACNE suggests itself as a spot-on acronym for Audlem's Climate and Nature Event

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