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Audlem W.I. March Report

8th March 2023 @ 6:06am – by Doreen Hubbard
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Audlem WI held their monthly meeting on 2nd March when the Speaker was Rowena Lovett. 'A Lingerie Designers Life'. Rowena shared some of the intriguing experiences of life as a designer of lingerie, starting in a Mill on leaving school and working her way up to designer. She was an excellent, amusing speaker and kept the audience captivated.

The Treasurer gave an update on the finances. The Programme Secretary is working on the programme for rest of year, the Marina having been booked for afternoon tea in August.

Malbank Group (which we are part of) are anxious to set up social meetings which haven't taken place since Covid. They have arranged two taster sessions in March – Bridge and Dominoes.

Luncheon Club is meeting at the Shroppie Fly on the 16th March

At the next meeting on 6 April, 5 members will demonstrate cookery/modern flower arranging. Hopefully we will get to sample some of the dishes!

Our membership continues to grow, please do come along and join our friendly group, who meet first Thursday of the month in the Methodist Church Hall.

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