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Audlem WI Darts Team

6th April 2019 @ 6:06am – by Steph Richardson
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Ed – this sounds like a potentially lethal combination!

Five go a-darting!

On Wednesday evening, our valiant darts team comprising five of Audlem WI's star players met up in the Scout & Guide Hall for our annual Malbank Darts Match Challenge.

Irene Cunliffe ( Captain ), Anne Poole, Anne Huntbach and Margaret Wells were our celebrated first team, all of whom may be somewhat vertically challenged but they can still reach the dart board if they stand on each others shoulders. Combined with the mathematical genius of Anne Hollins, our treasurer and scorer who had just had the rules of the game explained to her, they were prepared to give their all.

Now women don't need balls to play darts, but it does help to play with a few nutters and the gauntlet had been thrown down to Aston, Broad Lane and Worleston WI's who were soon limbering up ready for the forthcoming exertions, whilst our Audlem team were already at the height of peak fitness after all of their Prosecco arm lifting, combined with mindfulness training.

Some might call them opponents, however we prefer to call them victims as a true woman of character knows her limitations but never accepts them. In reality the game of life is a bit like darts. We have to tackle our problems, block out our fears and score points when we get the opportunity.

All four teams had brought along groupies to support them and Jean Cook, Doreen Hubbard and Joyce Clydesdale had prepared a variety of refreshments and cakes to ensure no-one became under nourished – we didn't want anyone playing below par! Joyce Clydesdale prepared a scoring sheet which nobody apart from her understood, so things were looking rosy as the teams prepared for battle.

We were also honoured by the presence of Margaret Hughes, our Malbank President, who was attending to ensure fair play and to present the coveted trophy at the end of the evening.

Now some days we are the dart and some days we are the dart board, and it became very clear early on that we were facing some very strong opposition – we knew we had talent, but had we practiced enough?

I learnt a few technical words, diddle for the middle – throw to see who gets closest to the bull – and a few words I already have in my vocabulary but daren't print.

Leaving our egos at the door, a great deal of laughter and joking ensued from all of the teams, regardless of whether they were winning or losing. Half way through it was clear that Worleston were emerging as a very strong team so we stopped for cakes, hot cross buns – rhubarb and custard flavoured ( who knew?) – and tea, in the vain hope that this might slow them down, however it just enhanced their skills and refortified them as they went on to win their last two games.

They were certainly worthy winners of the Darts Challenge Cup, having last won it in 2008, so they were immensely pleased as Margaret presented them with it and they posed for photos.


We would like to apologise for any extra holes in the Scout & Guide Hut floor – we think you may have woodworm!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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