An appreciative audience heard a sublime performance by Audlem Voices on Friday night of John Rutter's Requiem.
Warm applause greeted the choir, soloists and conductor at the end of the performance of what was a challenging yet deceptively simple Requiem which was perfectly suited to the beautiful setting of St.James Church on Good Friday.
Audlem Voices more than rose to the challenge under the very able leadership of Jenny Collis-Smith, Musical Director, who along with soloists Denise Leigh, soprano; Treona Holden, piano; Elizabeth Cuttell, oboe and Geraldine Leighton, cello, brought a highly professional tone to the concert.
Of particular note was Denise Leigh's solo work in the 'Pie Jesu', perhaps the most well known piece within Rutter's requiem which Denise has previously recorded. The haunting cello of Geraldine Leighton in 'Out of the Deep' was very moving as was Elizabeth Cuttell's oboe in 'The Lord is My Shepherd'.
Throughout the performance, the piano of Treona Holden was precise and supportive. The choir excelled itself in the final piece, Luz Aeterna, with some beautifully soft and sustained harmonies accompanied by Denise Leigh's soaring soprano. This brought a fitting climax to the evening.
Audlem voices now has a growing following for what is still a relatively new choir, so watch out for future performances which are not to be missed, including one at the end of May for the Audlem Music Festival.
Audlem Voices, now some 25 people strong, welcomes new members. The choir practices each Tuesday at 7.30pm in St. James. Anyone interested please contact Jenny Collis-Smith on 1270 811469.
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