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Audlem St James School – May Newsletter

7th May 2017 @ 6:06am – by Becky Jewitt, Headteacher
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Teamwork and Sunshine!

As part on our on-going self-evaluation in school, we regularly seek external validation of our teaching and learning across school. Last week we invited a trained OFSTED inspector into school to meet with leaders in school and observe teaching and learning through workbooks, class lessons and pupil voice.

Our visitor confirmed our own self-evaluation that our school is a Good school with many outstanding features including Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare and Leadership and Management. Such external validation further evidences the quality of provision in school for all of our learners and we were delighted with this outcome.

Athletics Coaching Sessions

Our Year 3 and Year 4 children took part in the first of a series of athletics coaching sessions yesterday afternoon as part of our preparations for a busy sporting term including both Sports Day and Town Sports. All of our Key Stage 2 classes will benefit from regular athletics training for Town Sports this term in addition to our usual PE lessons, which are focused on Sports Day skills across school.

To read the full report, click on the link below the picture.

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