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Audlem going for Cheshire awards

27th June 2011 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Audlem has submitted a number of entries for the Cheshire Community Action awards this year.

The village has enjoyed much success in these and other awards in recent years and fingers are crossed for more plaques for the wall in the Square – seen here in the photo.

Audlem is hoping it might extend its run of success in the Best Kept Village section and judging, we understood, is coming up next month.

Audlem Online has entered the Best Community Website competition. We were winners last year and hope that the 50% increase in readership since then, plus new features, will give us a chance to win the award again.

The Audlem Parish Plan team has pulled together a detailed entry for the Cheshire Community Spirit Award. The last time the village competed for this accolade was in 2005. Audlem then won the Cheshire award and went on to be the Calor Village of the North and the outright national winner of Defra's Community Spirit award.

Neither the Calor or Defra competitions are run now so, if by chance we are successful at the county level (it covers all of Cheshire, not just the East or West) there'll be no need to assemble a team to present at regional and national level – which might be a relief to all those who remember the pressure in 2005.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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