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Audlem Festival of Transport just gets better and better

31st July 2006 @ 9:09am – by Audlem Webteam
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This event just grows and grows.

The gathering at Hankelow Green with the variation of makes, ages and colours of the vehicles, even to someone who has seen it grow from nothing, was a truly fantastic sight.

The start of the procession is also something unique, with the cars leaving the Hankelow field and literally scampering down the road with horns blowing and everyone waving. It is as if they have been let off the leash.

The tour of the village was, as usual, really well supported, and on entering the Square the scene makes it really worthwhile for the owners, due to the crowd's size and its enthusiasm for the event – although a very well known senior member of the Audlem community very nearly lost his ice cream cornets as he left Beamans due to the driver of an equally elderly vehicle confiscating them as he passed!

The afternoon was really a spectacular show, and what with the weather, what more could you have asked for.

If you missed it all then make a date for next year, it is well worth seeing and it is free!

Report by Mike Hill

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