No game to report on yet – but some musings .
Way back in the '80s I was a high flying board director of Littlewoods Mail Order Company . Living life on the edge with a staff of some 400 ish. Travelling the world . Spending hours and hours in an aeroplane seat .
Then in 1983 I had a massive heart attack one morning at 0300.
Recovered and back to the job. More minor attacks -- the last being one in a fog bound Milan airport en route to Istanbul.
Upshot was triple bypass surgery by a surgeon named Gehr Grotta at the Alexander Hospital.
Given a good ten years of life by him, I was then pensioned off by my company. We invested the payoff I received and the stock market was good to me. Withdrew all just before the downturn in 1987 and invested in a villa in Spain . For Jo and I.
There for us and friends and family for 30 plus years .
Sadly my Jo died in 2000. So I used it as a loner.
Sold it in 2019. Just before Covid !
One of the loveliest things I recall of life on the Costa Brava was that wherever one looked, I could see the Pyrenees on the horizon . Snow capped and all. And a ring of hills for the rear of my visual arc. The Mediterranean there too just half a mile from the villa. Now, here in Cheshire I note, as I drive back from Woore, the Mow Cop hills to my right and the distant Welsh hills over to my left.
So so lucky to have had these forever vistas and to now be here in such a beautiful part of England.
A happy and hopefully a more normal year for all.
Ralph Warburton
Audlem F C
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