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Audlem FC Match Report

6th April 2021 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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Audlem F C

SUNDAY 4th April

A great day for our team as we now are allowed to play after shutting down before Christmas.

Kit all assembled . Balls inflated . Medical bag checked.

And off I drive at 0930. First to the COOP for those superb croissants . And coins in my change for later when players pay their match day subs . This week only charging them 3 as all players will be given the chance to play. 20 said OK . We shall see .

The pitch is superb . Firm. Clear of dog poo. Lines well marked . Light morning frost soon gone.

Given Covid Rules as applied by the New Annexe , we cannot have showers nor the use of the changing rooms.

So men have to change in the open by the picnic tables .

Our opponents- Sydney Arms – arrive dressed ready.

In the end we have 16 players plus our player manager, Kev Mort .

Referee today is Ian Hurdle and very good to see him here again. A fine firm referee but with good sense to let the game flow .

As we get kitted up, I note the sad absence of the Church bells, pealing out to welcome the congregation. Have been silent so long and such an integral part of our village life.


Kick off . And the waves of testosterone so evident as players go at speed – so happy to be playing the game.

The League in their wisdom (?) decided to change todays play to a friendly after much "argy bargy" from some teams .

But to us it win , win , win!!

Kev Mort as Mgr,, Thomas Capewell as Skipper, Connor Baxter in goal .

Plan is to use roll on roll off subs to ensure fair chance of playing for all.

We in our Marston's Red Kit and Sydney Arms in blue .

Fast and furious is the play from both sides.



Kev Rodgers feeding a long ball and Alyn Burcea meets it. Fights his way round a crowd of defenders – and scores!

1-0 . What a way to start!

On the play goes. Few folks coming and going in the morning sunshine. Families so happy to be able to be out in the fresh air .

Then .


The bells of St James peal out ! They ring what seems like a quarter peal . Wonderful. Perhaps in response to us scoring? He said, tongue in cheek.

Play goes on , still fast AND Kev Mort making changes as the minutes tick by. Some dirty play by Sydney Arms get the tongue lash of the Ref.


First corner of the game – goes to SA . Superb by them but it flies over the cross bar .

No gain .

Fierce up-field attack by SA , but Connor pulls of a fine save.

1140. Long shot on our goal and Connor tips it over the bar.

2nd corner for SA .

Still no corners for us


Goodly smattering of folks here now as dogs are walked by. Some advice shouted out to encourage us.

David & Debbie Robertson here – long time supporters of the team.

And they very generously tell me they are donating £100 to us for our funds. A very noble gesture indeed.

Off we go again. Leading still

Some tired legs evident after such a long layoff


Free kick for us . 1st one. No gain


Free kick to SA . Just outside the box. Kick sails over the defence wall – and Connor saves !


A drinks break declared by Referee Hulme .

1225 . High ball by Kev Mort , loops over the defenders -and into the net!!!

A superb goal

2 – 0

Nice to see such a score line. Sydney getting more riled .

Referee has to severely admonish one of their men. No booking though .

Now SA attack hard , seeking to get on the score sheet. . Shot palmed away by Connor. Playing very well between the sticks .


Some hand bagging dispute . A bit of pushing and shoving which Ref calms down.


Long free kick, taken by Dan Rooney – and his shot loops over all players – and skims the bar. What a near chance for another goal


To sum up.

Superb team work . Great subbing by Mgr Kev Mort who scored a real fine goal. .

Man of the Match goes to young Ben Walker.

Referee comes over to say how disgusted he was with the play of some of the Sydney Arms Team . Good refereeing throughout .

A fine victory . . Next game is on the 11th

Away to White Horse in Nantwich

Ralph Warburton
Chairman AFC

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