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Audlem FC match Report

7th March 2023 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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No game today for Audlem `F C . Reason – Cup games taking place . So other teams tied up.

As such no results to be given to you.

Still to watch BBC and Garry's crew on Match of the Day . With the premiership team I support facing the new born might of Manchester United.

Big game for both sides. We shall see.

Just a few words on the ramblings I present to the community on a subject or topic that interests me .

Lots of folks , including non football fans — say what I pen is of interest and I will continue in the same vein . There are a few of course who wonder what I am about. Such persons can say what they will , within the realms of decency . My email is open should anyone wish to suggest subjects etc.

My ramblings today

Here in the village , where , having lived here now for 36 years, I do call it my home . And proud of all that the volunteers do for the whole community .

I will be doing less and less as I approach the twilight of my years, but will do all I can for as long as I can for this wonderful village .

Good to see the diplodocus skeleton model of those beasts that roamed this earth some 150 million years ago . Now in Coventry . Weighing in at some 22,500 kg , Is it is truly amazing to think of what life was like back then, with the many dinosaurs – roaming the land. From the tiniest to the very huge creatures we are now told were alive then. A diplodocus must have consumed lots of plant matter each day to ensure it lived . About 30kg per day . And just think of this. Jelly fish have been around for over 600/ 700 million years!

And all this before man arrived on the planet .

No wonder so many children love the images of them and the many models .

We play next here at Audlem. Versus Broadhurst F C of Northwich .

Referee new to us in the name of Jay Rowland .

Ralph Warburton
Audlem F. C .

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