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Audlem Art Group on Friday

2nd September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Jeanette Shenton
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The next session of the Audlem Art Group is this Friday, 4th September, from 1.00pm to 3.00pm in the Scout and Guide Hall.

Christine is planning to start some work on Georgia O'Keeffe.

New members are always welcome. It's a friendly group which anyone interested in art will enjoy. The photo shows Christine Johnson with some of the group's work at this year's Audlem Music & Art Festival exhibition.

So, please bring your sketchbooks, some means of colouring, Pritt stick and some examples of Georgia O'Keeffe's work printed from the images on the Internet.

These need to be quite small so we can stick three or four on a double page and then write or draw round them.

Also bring your general art equipment, pencils, biros, pens etc. and Christine will be demonstrating a couple of helpful tips as well.

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