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ATC – Downturn Manor and Heavens Close

25th November 2019 @ 6:06am – by Cheryl Guerin
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The Audlem Theatre Company

are proud to present a double bill of entertainment twice on Saturday 30th November at the Audlem public hall.

At 2pm, the programme will be accompanied with a full afternoon tea, tickets £10 p.p
at 7.30 pm it will be accompanied by cheese and wine, tickets £14-50pp ( £25 for 2 ).
The ticket hotline number is 01270 811743 – admission is by ticket only and numbers will be limited

At each of these times, the double bill of entertainment will be

Downturn Manor

A premiere showing of their comedy film entitled Downturn Manor, a spoof of the very popular Downton Abbey. This period drama written by Colin Cliffe was filmed during 2018 utilising many recognizable locations including the magnificent Hankelow Hall. With period costumes, vehicles and horses this may well be our most ambitious project to date.


Heavens Close

Following the film, there will be a special live performance of our new one-act award-winning short play 'Heavens Close.

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