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As predicted, traffic issues outside the new shop

28th December 2007 @ 12:12pm – by Audlem Webteam
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While most residents seem very impressed with the new Co-op, comments are coming in about the traffic problems outside. A new Forum discussion has been raised which you can join in. A contribution from Dave Martin sums up the situation well: "Deliveries to the new Co-op: chaos, as expected! When the Muller development was in planning, many of us expressed the concern over unloading at the shop units, and the potential traffic chaos and danger that would follow. The official response was that wagons would go under the arch into the courtyard to unload: some of us were very sceptical that this would actually ever be enforced.

"Well, six days after the opening, I watched the predicted chaos unfold this morning. A Co-op delivery artic pulled up outside the shop, ignoring the row of cars all legally parked opposite the development. Another HGV comes along from the church direction, and cannot get through the gap. Result is that traffic grinds to a complete halt for at least three minutes: even at a relatively quiet time of day, the queues soon built up, until the Co-op driver finished the delivery and moved off. During the time, drivers were executing all manner of "about turns" to get out of the jam – more accidents waiting to happen.

"Accepting that the coutyard is probably not usable at present anyway, does anyone know what the traffic management plans are, and who will enforce them?

"As a postscript, as soon as the traffic had cleared, an inconsiderate private motorist pulled up outside the Co-op to drop someone off whilst they went into the shop, and then proceeded to wait for them! More chaos..."

You can find the Forum debate by clicking on the top horizontal bar and then on the topic title. As always, there are lots of other issues being discussed.

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