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ARS on Sandstone Trail on Saturday

7th January 2013 @ 7:07am – by Andy Davidson
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This coming Saturday's ARS (Audlem Ramblers Society) walk is along a scenic section of the Sandstone Trail, just half an hour's drive away. The walk's description is:

It's a 9.00am start on Saturday 12th January from Audlem car park and all should be in place with cars positioned at both ends of the walk by soon after 9.45am.

The walk is a 10 mile linear walk, largely on the Sandstone Trail, starting from the car park on the SW side of Bickerton Hill just north of Duckington off Coach Road. We will cross Bickerton Hill by following a slightly circuitous route before passing Maiden Castle, an Iron Age fort – albeit nothing but a few mounds now – and descending to Bickerton Church.

A short stretch on lanes follows before climbing up to Raw Head on the Sandstone Trail with fine views across to North Wales and even Liverpool on a clear day.

After crossing fields, it is up the wooded Bulkeley Hill with extensive views eastwards before following the Trail along the western edge of the Peckforton Hills. Finally, it is across fields to Beeston Castle where cars left in the morning await.

A reasonable number of cars is required to allow drivers – and depending on numbers, for passengers to be transported without too much hanging around – because cars need to be positioned at each end of the walk.

A 2 Booter as the gradients are generally easy and the paths normally good. The walk will be led by Bob Cartwright

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