The monthly ARS (Audlem Ramblers Society) walk is this Saturday. The suggested walk is a 10 miles circular walk starting from the central car park in Craven Arms. The walk is relatively moderate with only 345m (1132ft) in total ascent.
None of the ascents/descents are long or steep. The walk goes up to Callow Hill. At 355m this is the highest point of Wenlock Edge and is the site of Flounders Folly – details of this site can be found at (The website link that was here no longer works)
Whilst not an arduous walk, it is still 5 hours plus stops and is a combination of forest/plantation, open fields as well as a little bit of narrow country lane, so everyone should be properly prepared for this distance – no doubt it could also be a bit wet or muddy as a result of the current weather – so do be prepared.
Meet at 8.00am on the Audlem car park and try and minimise the number of vehicles by sharing if possible. If you are not a member of ARS but would like to join the walk, or there are any questions about the walk or equipment – call Steve on 07787 567001
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