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ARS heading for Snowdon this Saturday

12th July 2007 @ 1:01pm – by Audlem Webteam
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If you've never climbed Snowdon, or have made the ascent before and fancy another go, you are welcome to join ARS (Audlem Rambers Society) this Saturday, 14th July, for their Snowdon walk. Chris Knibbs writes to say: "We are taking what is generally recognized as the easiest route (apart from the train!) – the Llanberis path. As some are already in Wales, the meeting point is the Snowdon Mountain Railway station car park in Llanberis at 10.30am. Hope you can make it."

"Please confirm on 07980 979 063 so we can watch out for your arrival. By the way, if anyone is tempted to use the train, we don't believe it is currently running all the way to the summit because of the construction work on the café."

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