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April ADAPT recipe

3rd April 2012 @ 7:07am – by Maggie and Bidi
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Maggie and Bidi, both Adapt Food Group members, couldn't find much to eat in their gardens this month. Even the last kale plants have got aphids.

However they did have some potatoes and onions stored, so this month's recipe is....

Maggie's Marvellous Modern Homity Pie

2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 lbs potatoes, peeled
3 1/2 fl oz milk
3/4 lb chopped onions
1 clove garlic pressed or chopped
4oz cheese, grated
Salt and pepper
Handful of chopped parsley

a.. Fry the onions and garlic gently in the olive oil for 10 minutes.
b.. Steam the potatoes for 25 minutes
c.. Cut the potatoes into bite sized pieces
d.. Add the potatoes, milk,salt, pepper and 3 oz of the cheese to the onion mixture.
e.. Mix well and transfer to a buttered ovenproof dish.Top with the remaining cheese.
f.. Bake at 190C for 25-30 minutes
g.. Scatter the parsley on top.

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With the new growing season now under way, Maggie and Bidi hope to be able to pick some fresh vegetables or herbs from the veg plot to use in next month's recipe. Watch this space.

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