A report has come into AudlemOnline of yet another accident on the Hatherton bends. It appears that two cars were involved and police were at the scene this afternoon. We have no other details.
We have also heard that a motorcycle was involved in an accident there last week.
As we have covered in earlier reports on these bends, the police have confirmed that they have supplied Cheshire East Highways Department with their figures and asked for a meeting to discuss possible engineering solutions given the number of incidents in recent years.
After further chasing by a campaigner, the police confirmed a meeting with Highways had taken place who had agreed to undertake work on the bends. Specifically they are going to scrape back the carriageway where the bank has slipped down onto the road surface, place a solid white line along the road edge, renew the signage and look to place some additional slow signs on approaches and finally look into putting down solid white lines along the centre of the carriageway.
The police add: "We did discuss the camber on the road and also the possibility of High Friction dressing on the road surface but this is apparently not possible due to the costs involved."
Audlem Parish Council has also been involved in discussions on the Hatherton Bends.
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