It’s your choice. What form do you want this year’s Annual Village Meeting to take?
In the past a seated audience has listened to four or five presentations on issues that are of general interest to the village, followed by question and answer sessions.
More recently, we’ve held less formal meetings where representatives from a variety of village organisations, and further afield, have set up stalls in the Public Hall and people have walked around asking questions and engaging in free discussion.
Is there another, better, way of holding the annual village meeting? If so, we’d like to hear from you. The intention is that the free cheese and wine should still be available(!) – but the format for the event is still to be decided.
The next Annual Village Meeting is due to be held on Wednesday 21st March. If you have any suggestions as to how it should be run then please contact the Clerk to Audlem Parish Council, Jean White by phone on 01948 871383; by email on or by post at Rosecroft, Dodds Green Lane, Burleydam SY13 4AT.
Alternatively you can leave your suggestions in the box at the Post Office.
The deadline for all suggestions is Friday 3rd February 2012.
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