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Annual Village Meeting in the Public Hall

10th May 2006 @ 9:09am – by Audlem Webteam
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On Thursday 11th May, at 7.30pm there is the Annual Village Meeting in the Public Hall. All are welcome to hear about a number of village issues. Organised by Audlem Parish Council, the meeting will include a presentation by Shea O'Neill of Cheshire County Council. She is the project manager for the planned Weaver Valley Regional Park. This was said to run from Frodsham in the north to Nantwich in the south but it is hoped we will hear about Audlem's role in this new Regional Park and our possible inclusion in its boundaries.

There will also be a presentation by Andrew Smith of Audlem Post Office about the newly formed Audlem Traders' Association and how everyone can help our local businesses to continue despite the ever-increasing dominance of the supermarket groups which, only yesterday, were referred for investigation to the Competition authorities by the Office of Fair Trading.

Ralph Warburton will speak on the role of ADAS, the Audlem District Amenities Society, and its many projects around the village. Finally, Bob Cartwright, who chaired the steering committee of the Audlem Parish Plan, will give an update on progress including the bids for funding for village projects; the plans to improve sports facilities; and update on tourists' and residents' facilities such as signage, footpaths and cycleways; and how to tackle, once again, the ever worsening problem of Heavy Goods Vehicles through the village.

Do try and attend and make this first new-style annual meeting a success. It starts at 7.30pm and there will be an open forum where points of interest can be raised on village issues.

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