Reports are just coming in regarding plans to hold this year's European Juggernaut Rally in Audlem. Their spokeswoman, Poled Ancer, told Audlem Online that most drivers feel that over the years, as they have wound their way through the village en-route to Ireland and mainland Europe, the people of Audlem have always shown friendship and patience. They believe the Rally would be a good way to thank them and cement this relationship.
Preliminary plans to hold this event over a weekend in late autumn are being drawn up and it is hoped that up to fifty Juggernauts (with drivers and families) will attend – this being the maximum number that could safely fit on the football pitch.
We understand that all the truckers and their families will be wearing National Dress and that the main event of the Rally will be a National Dance Competition to the music of Brahms and Liszt and that Audlem is invited to enter a team.
Further details will be released in the near future. In the meantime if anyone has any ideas or would like to help or organise in any way the Dance Team, please e-mail the Website Team marked for the attention of 'Juggernaut Rally'.
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