The APHAx Committee were delighted earlier this week to receive the news that their latest funding application to Sport England had been successful. This will provide £10,000 towards the costs of the equipment for the Community Gym in the new Public Hall Annexe.
There has been an outstanding response to the gym application leaflet drop around the village, and to date we have received fifty applications to join the gym. Acknowledgment letters will be sent out shortly explaining what happens next.
The gym will be kitted out on the first floor of the Annexe. Bright and airy, with changing rooms and showers and equipped with cardio vascular machines and strength training equipment, the gym will provide local residents with a fitness facility on their doorstep.
An application form should have been delivered to every address in Audlem, but if you have lost yours, or the dog has eaten it, the form can be downloaded using the link below the photo and you can print it to do your application.
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