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An Odd Ode

18th October 2020 @ 6:06am – by Adrian Leighton
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I would like to thank all those who have expressed their interest and joy in the little wildlife articles based on Turnpike Fields that I have been able to share. I have been thinking that I had run out of steam with them, however, the other day, the muse landed on my shoulder and whispered in my ear "Ode". I looked up the definition and it said, "a lyric poem usually marked by exaltation of feeling". It's some time since I wrote any real poetry so I was somewhat reticent, but here we go!
"Good people of Audlem take a care,
I hope my rhyming lines you can bear" (Ouch!)


An Ode to Turnpike Fields

Cold winds and rain-swept skies,
The Autumn embrace on Turnpike Fields so lies.
A silent empty space returns my look,
The remnants of nature's history book.

The energy of living matter expended,
The hopes and dreams of myriad creatures intended.
Left are the shadow seed heads and rotted stems,
Brown carcases of their golden, purple diadems.

Beneath our feet the watery flow returned
Squelchy grass and muddy paths by feet now churned.
The floating bog interrupting our daily round
Slippery puddles no match for shoes soon found.

Yet in so bleak a scene I remember still
The golden grass on golden days did fill.
Bees and butterflies in busy purpose fly
With flowers calling bright in colour to satisfy.

So nature's wild ways raise eyes and mind,
From dull thoughts of virus fears unbind.
Lifting the cloud of doubt and fear,
With hope that life continued and made new is near.

More yet may nature's wonder still provide,
For eye that sees the divine hand preside.
As all creation waits on tiptoe just to see
The children of faith come into their destiny.

May following days through dark and bright,
Nature's world call us to delight,
Bring peace and happiness to body, mind and soul
So may this odd ode of joy our thanks to Turnpike Fields extol.

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Adrian Leighton

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