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An Early Christmas Present from LLLovely!

31st October 2017 @ 11:11am – by Megan Sheer
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The Post Office is coming back to Audlem

After several months in the application process, I am happy to announce that LLLovely has succeeded in getting a Post Office back into Audlem!!

It has been a long process, but I hope that the village will join me in supporting this new venture for the business, and hopefully the reintroduction will be a positive step into 2018.

Within the next month things will be moving pretty fast for LLLovely, with the major works being done w/c 27th November. We will still be open throughout this week, but we apologise for any obstacles in the way!

I'd like to thank Denise Nutbrown for her constant support throughout my application, and the Village for not giving up hope as this proved a massive help towards my application.

The New Audlem Post Office Launch date will be the 4th December just in time for a Christmas!


Fine Chocolates & Ice Cream ,,,,&.now.... stamps!

Unit 1, 11 Cheshire Street

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