It's just a week to an important public meeting in Audlem Public Hall on Thursday 7th June at 7.30pm. The meeting will be about the North West Ambulance Service's emergency response times in rural areas. It is hope that residents of other parishes in south Cheshire will also attend. Ten other rural parishes have been contacted by Audlem Parish Council.
Residents are invited to the meeting for discussions with senior Ambulance Service personnel after several high profile local issues relating to emergency
response times.
The North West Ambulance Service will be represented by Bob Williams, Deputy Chief Executive, and the Director for Cheshire & Merseyside. Local MP Stephen O'Brien, who is the Shadow Minister of Health with responsibility for ambulance services, will be present and has arranged the meeting.
The meeting will be hosted by Audlem Parish Council and it is hoped that as many residents as possible will attend to try and improve a vital emergency service. If you have a question you would like to ask, and don't want to stand up to ask it at the meeting, please send it (via Contacts on the top bar of Audlem Online) to the webteam and we will pass it on to the chairman of the meeting.
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