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After COVID – will we fly as we did before?

7th March 2021 @ 6:06am – by Andy Hannah
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With the roadmap out of lockdown in mind, you might be thinking about heading to the airport again, but will you? In the second of a series of articles reflecting on how our habits might have changed as a result of the lockdowns, Andy Hannah from ADAPT asks: After the pandemic will we fly as before? We travel by air for three main reasons: work, holidays and family visits; Andy looks at each in turn. Click the link here to read the article on the ACER website

ACER is the Audlem Carbon Emissions Reduction project, a partnership between Audlem WI, 1st Audlem Guides, Audlem Cubs, AWEG (Audlem Wildlife & Ecology Group), ADAPT (Audlem & District Acting Positively for Transition) and Audlem Parish Council. Contact:

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