(The website link that was here no longer works) The season of Advent begins on Sunday. At the Methodist Church, the congregation will be joined for its Advent Sunday service by friends from St James. This is a reciprocal visit following joint services at St James over the summer. Then, the refurbishment programme at the Methodist Church was in full swing. Now, we're pleased to report, it is finished.
During Advent, the three village churches will again be uniting for a service of lessons and carols. This will be held this year on Sunday 17 December at 6.30 pm in St James. All are welcome – come in good time to get a seat!
(The website link that was here no longer works) And at the Methodist Church there will again be two NCH carol concerts. This year these will be on Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 December. The Choir will be joined by a local music trio: Carl Brunsdon, John Gunstone and Val Warner. If you would like to see the refurbished premises in a festive context, why not make a note of one of these dates? Programmes will soon be available. There is no charge for admission, but a collection will be taken for NCH.
The season of Advent leads into the season of Christmas. Best wishes for both from Audlem Methodist Church (The website link that was here no longer works) .
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