It's coming! Fill up your piggy bank! Block your diary! Every stall is booked, every stallholder is hard at work getting everything ready to tempt you...
WHEN: Saturday 2 December – 11am to 4pm
WHERE: Audlem Public Hall and Annexe on Cheshire Street.
Just 20 days from Christmas, and what a golden opportunity for you to find beautiful, useful, unusual and fun presents for all the family (and for you!), with light refreshments on hand.
We are highly delighted to announce that talented Nantwich-based willow weaver Cath Kelly (whose beautiful creations you may have seen on the BBC series Make it at Market) will be demonstrating how she makes her pieces. Not to be missed!
Come prepared to use some real money alongside your magic plastic and your smart phones!
Some stall holders may accept cashless payments, but we cannot guarantee this. Have smaller note denominations ready – tenners and fivers.
Generous donors have offered lovely prizes for our raffle, so be sure to get your hands on some raffle tickets when you come in – it could be you who gets to go home with something you never expected. Raffle tickets too will need to be purchased with 'real' money
ADCA (Audlem & District Community Action) is a local charity providing social activity for adults and older people and their carers who may be socially isolated or need support.
We aim to help people to be socially active and meet others locally, maintain their independence, improve their health and wellbeing, and feel valued members of their community.
All profits from this event help us to maintain and develop our services and we thank you all for coming!
Visit our website click here
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