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ADAS Sets To Work

24th January 2024 @ 6:06am – by Suzie Warren
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It's only been two weeks since we took down the Christmas trees -- a break from street-work was eagerly anticipated. But no! The Boss said, 'chop, chop' soon be Spring' -- so off we went sweeping, cutting, trimming with renewed vigour when we realised that we are now halfway through the winter, which means it really is 'soon be Spring' time. Hoorah!

We did our first ever cut-back of Windmill Drive 'triangles' back in August 2018. People passing were very generous with their thanks; and we were told that it had never been done before us taking it on. What have we started!

Carrying on from Windmill Drive, we continued clearing up towards Green Lane junction.

The new raised beds at the Methodist Church received a good dollop of our home-made compost to add to the mix already in there -- the beds are now ready for planting soon.

If you would like to help ADAS with the callouts, please call or email Neil on:


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