The work of planting bulbs and pansies was completed last weekend and thanks are due to the willing volunteers who completed the job in record time!
The next ADAS event is the AGM on Thursday 9th November at 7.30pm in the Guide and Scout Hall. Come along and enjoy wine and nibbles and meet the Committee.
All are welcome.
Preparations are well under way for the annual Big Switch On event which will take place on Friday 24th November.
Santa arrives at the wharf at 6pm approx and the switch-on will take place at 6.20pm, followed by singing on the Church Steps performed by pupils of Audlem St James School.
Santa will be in attendance in his Grotto from 6.45pm onwards -- a chance for the younger members of the village community to discuss Christmas presents!
This year's tree will be sponsored by Ralph Warburton.
As usual the shops will be open during the evening -- why not come along and do some Christmas shopping?
If you would like to sponsor one of the small trees please take your donation to Flower Divas.
This year Carol Singing around the tree will take place on Thursday 21st December at As usual Crewe Brass will be joining us for this festive event
If you would like to help with the tree-dressing or Christmas decorations in the village please email All volunteers would be most welcome.
During the weekend of 23/24th June 2018 ADAS is hoping to hold an Open Gardens event. If you would like your garden to be included please email
Finally, if you have not yet returned your subscription envelopes please take them to Williams Newsagents or Flower Divas.
All subs will be used to fund future ADAS projects and events.
Irene Pryce
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