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ADAS celebrates 40 years

23rd October 2009 @ 8:08am – by Audlem Webteam
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Last night, ADAS, the Audlem District Amenities Society, held its AGM and celebrated its 40th Anniversary with an exhibition of many of the society's achievements.

A highlight of the night was the talk and video by the Audlem Fire Cadets who recently visited Ghana to help build a rural school. On the wall of the school in the village of Adeklu in the Volta region of Ghana, the name 'Audlem' is now proudly inscribed..

Cadets Naomi Brown and Matthew Turner with leader Isobel Sykes told of their experiences in Ghana and their fund raising efforts to get there before showing a short film of their visit.

Garden successThe presentation of the Best Garden awards saw the residential prize won by Daleta and Mike Harthern; runners up were Sheila and Tony Maddock; the non-residential award went to Debbie and Vernon Miles at the Salad Bowl.

ReportChairman of ADAS, Ralph Warburton, reported on the year and achieved the near impossible – an entertaining chairman's report at an AGM! These are excerpts – more tomorrow on other activities, such as the Medical Trust, that come under the ADAS banner. Ralph said:

We have continued our policy of giving financial support for a various groups , so fuelling the community activities that are the hallmark of Audlem, including the Fire Cadets adventure in Ghana.

We began our programme in fine style with a wonderful Fashion show – and it was a success . So much so that we planned another for the Spring.

LightsDecember brought the Christmas Displays and many extra lights lit up the village beautifully on a grand tree. Mike Haines and volunteers Phil Baker and Pete Hollinshead are invaluable in getting it all to work.

This year we plan to light up the Birch trees at the entry to Windmill Drive . Residents there have agreed to connections for the power and we have already bought the lights at an advantageous price out of season. This will give a warm welcome from the Whitchurch direction and further enhance our reputation as being one of the best Christmas Villages in Cheshire.

The big tree was from Mrs William's plantation at Hunterston and very kindly sponsored by Carl Mottershead of Leisure Surfaces of Hankelow . The very vital help of Pete Hollinshead in cutting the tree and in Richard Furber and Jonathan Gleave in transporting the tree and erecting it is so much needed and for which I am so grateful.- and I am pleased to say that all have again offered their help in this effort.

Our tree for this Christmas is secured – already selected – and will now come from Keith Fell who has purchased the plantation. It will be sponsored by Karen & Pers Brandt.

Open NightThe new open night in the village of local shops was very welcome and lovely added jewel to the crown of the village – and our Santa was kept quite busy in a grotto in MacKelvey's.

The annual Carol singing round the tree was again well attended with good music by the United Coop Band. Hot soup again very welcome from the Lord Combermere. This is such a happy family night and so typical of the village.

SpringWe held another super fashion show, this time Showcasing the local traders with the chance to show their best. It was a true success and a very happy and popular occasion.

The next is on 12th November, a Seasonal Fair – again presenting all the local businesses to those who come .

Floral planning for the SummerThis year we planned a display using tubs sited on membrane and bark chips and this has been well received. Extra troughs were scattered around the village.

More trees were planted on the canal banks along with 4,000 bluebells which did well this spring . A donation in memory of a lost one funded this planting.
The new shrubs and bushes that we bought and planted in front of the public hall are thriving.

Our policy of creating a more permanent Church bed has paid off. The Lavender there was awash with bees and butterflies in the summer. The bulbs in spring did look good and the tulips were a lovely sight in the stone troughs. Fresh tulips will be planted next year in the troughs and additionally in tubs on the membranes.

In the next few weeks we will be planting some 3000 fresh daffodils at the entrance to Tollgate, assisted by Marie Curie volunteers.

A huge thank you to Audlem Parish council in covering £1000 of our costs in the year.

SchoolThis year, we in Audlem in Bloom asked the pupils of Audlem St James school to grow a giant sunflower. The final display in school of over a hundred blooms and photographs was evidence of their labour. Lots of care and feeding had been used to produce some very lovely results and it so rewarding to see just how much the children enjoy the whole thing. .

September saw the Table Top sale in the Public Hall which for us is a totally community service to those folks wishing to clear their shelves and garages.

(More tomorrow on Audlem Medical Trust)

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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