You may already be in receipt of our ADAS envelopes through your letterboxes -- these give information and history on ADAS, a calendar of events and a place for your donation, and information on how to donate online if you prefer.
We're doing regular call-outs now as we run up to North West In Bloom judging -- but our work isn't focussed only on them, it's focussed on helping to make this wonderful village look shiny, sparkly and floriferous (spell-check gave some funny options on this one when my fingers came down in the wrong order!).
The last two call-outs have had the weeds in pavements firmly in their sights. One of our crew (YKWYA) spent over an hour 'walking' on his knees along the shop fronts scrapping between the paving stones.
There appears to be an ADAS stance -- men leaning on spades.
If you are interested in volunteering with ADAS, please let us know. -- 07564 243996 -- 07809 476523
Many thanks
Suzie Warren
07809 476523
Click on te photos to enlarge
Ed: What fantastic job this group do keeping our village in exceptional condition and all volunteers. They deserve all our thanks.
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