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ADAS 2019 Plans

3rd March 2019 @ 6:06am – by Suzie Warren
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With the ADAS AGM on 7th March 2019 at the Scout Hall at 19.30, we thought it would be of interest to the residents of Audlem as to what the ADAS plans are for 2019, our 50th year.

We have a number of projects planned:

  • Install two benches at the entrance to the car park (next to the millennium bed).
  • Install two benches under the Beech tree next to the Co-op.
  • Create raised beds and trellis along the wire fence area in front of the Charity shop.
  • We are working with the Methodist church on plans to improve the front flower beds
  • Refurbish the flower bed alongside the canal. We are waiting for completion of the C&RT survey. We have funding from the Co-op community fund

As ever there is a maintenance spend to maintain the appearance of the village:

  • Replace faulty Christmas tree lights used on small trees
  • Install new lights in two trees at end of Windmill Drive as existing lights have been damaged by wind and tree growth. New lights will be wound around the trunk as per tree at the end of Broadways and at Woore Road bridge.
  • Water Butts – install two further water butts into the village centre which have been donated by a local resident.
  • Ongoing replacement of rotting wooden flower tubs
  • Replace shrubs and perennial plants in village centre due to damage and dieback

The costs of the above projects and maintenance activities are met by your subscription contributions via the annual envelope drop, by fund raising activities, and by the Co-op community fund. A grant from the Parish Council (PC) contributes to the summer planting and another PC grant contributes to the cost of Christmas trees.

If you have any ideas for improving the village, such as art in the landscape, please contact ADAS on or contact one of the committee members.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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