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ADAPT Food Group Market Saturday 5th

4th August 2023 @ 3:03pm – by Chris Knibbs
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ADAPT Food Group Market Saturday 5th

The ADAPT market is in full swing this weekend, Saturday 10am till noon under the Buttermarket sheltering from the ravages of this summers inclement weather.

We have the first of our tomatoes and runner beans, lettuces are back along with red currants, black berries and sweet peas. We have fresh free range eggs, honey, beeswax candles and lip balms, jams, cakes, and a new batch of lemon marmalade. With all this rain the Rhubarb has had its second flourish, so come early for this.

Thanks go to our Audlem customers who provided us with a large box of recyclable plastics for the Audlem Guides appeal.

All the best
Chris Knibbs
ADAPT Secretary.

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