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A525 Stafford Street closed on Sunday for repairs

2nd August 2013 @ 12:12pm – by Cheshire East
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Notice is hearby given that the Cheshire East Borough Council, in exercise of its powers under Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers, issues this notice temporarily to prohibit traffic in the following length of road:-

A525 Stafford Street, Audlem from its junction with A529 Cheshire Street to its junction with Salford/ A525 Woore Road. Location of works is at the junction of St. James Close.

The temporary road closure is necessary to avoid danger to highway users whilst Amey/Enterprise carry out works to replace a dangerous manhole cover and frame in the carriageway.

The alternative route during the closure will be via; A529 Cheshire Street, A529 Audlem Road, B5071 Hatherton Road, B5071 Crewe Road, A51 London Road, A51 Nantwich Road, A525 Audlem Road, A525 Woore Road and vice versa. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times. Vehicular access will be maintained for emergency vehicles and residents where possible. It is anticipated that the works will be carried out on Sunday 4th August 2012, between 9:30 – 15:30 hours.

This notice will become operative on Sunday 4th August 2013 for a period of 21 days or for such less time as is necessary to enable the works to be completed. This notice will be extended by means of a further 21 day notice if necessary.

If you have any enquiries relating to the works please contact Stuart Sidebottom on telephone number 01515485260.

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