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A Spring Walk (by Adrian Leighton)

18th March 2023 @ 6:06am – by Adrian Leighton
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A Spring Walk (by Adrian Leighton)


With longer warmer days, the thought of a Spring Walk may be very appetising to raise us from our winter slumbers. Some, already trained by their pooch, have a daily routine involving a walk. Turnpike Fields offers an opportunity for all to enjoy fresh air in a natural environment. To add to the enjoyment and interest of what has proved to be a haven for wildlife, a Spring Walk with nature in mind has been produced. Our wildlife surveying of the past three years which has recorded 119 species of wild plant, 89 species of insect and 31 species of birds, means that we can now predict what we might see, where and when.


A Spring Walk leaflet has been produced with this is mind, which highlights 20 early show-ers. A map of a route round the Fields is traced and suggestions made where different species may be seen. The one health warning is that nature is not always predictable and and seeing a particular species may depend on the weather and other factors. You may need two or three walks at different times to see most of those illustrated. Seeing the two birds will depend on being in the right place and the right time, or 30 pointers in I-Spy Books (do you remember those?) terms. If you do happen to spot them, please let me know and also if you see something else interesting or wish to have something identified, again please contact me at

The leaflets are offered free of charge and are available in the Fields, at the Information Point in the Public Hall and at Williams Newsagents.

This leaflet is the first of a series of seasonal walks leaflets with wildlife in mind for the Fields and the cost of the leaflet has been covered by proceeds from the sale of my book "Audlem Wildlife Diaries" , copies of which are still available.

Thanks go to Joe at Audlem Printers and Mike Mason for all the marvellous techie bits, who have helped in the production of the leaflet.

The Fields shrug off their winter coat
Of faded flowers and dry brown note.
The Springtime life ready stored,
As lenten days calls ever onward.
So take a turn and see what shows
To eye,mind,heart, and soul bestows.


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