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A Big Thank you from Patricia

3rd April 2021 @ 1:01pm – by Patricia Storey
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On the early morning of Friday 2 April 2021 I unfortunately fell outside the Co-0p in Audlem and very unceremoniously landed face down on the pavement. Immediately two very kind young men rapidly exited their car and came to my aid, hauling me to a standing position!

I attempted to thank them profusely, which was difficult wearing a face mask, but hopefully if they saw this message on Audlem on Line they would be aware of how much I appreciated their help.

Apart from my pride taking a bashing, I was not badly hurt other than skinned knees and a very sore hand.

Their kindness renewed my faith that there are still Good Samaritans out there !

Once again my sincere thanks to them both.

Patricia Storey

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