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2011 Census check

12th May 2010 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Celia Bloor has received a message from Vale Royal Disability Services about next year's Census, which may be of interest to all:

As you may be aware, the next Census will be taking place in 2011. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) had developed a programme of work leading up to this including a large scale exercise to check postal addresses up and down the country.

This is because next April, the majority of people will be sent their Census form via Royal Mail and it is important that the address list is as accurate as possible, so that every household receives a form.

I have just received a courtesy call from the 'Census Address Co-ordinator' for our area. From tomorrow, teams from ONS will be walking around local streets in the Borough, checking that lists of postal addresses match what is actually there on the ground. They may also knock on a few doors and speak to residents, just to confirm address details.

From 21st May, ONS will start to check addresses of communal establishments, such as care homes. Again, they may knock on a few doors.

They don't expect any issues, but are just making us aware in case we receive calls from residents about the work. If you have any queries, please contact:
Haf Barlow
Census Address Co-ordinator
Tel: 07872 457119

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