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Eleanor Liles on Oil Tank Move

29th January 2021 @ 3:58pm

Try Phillip Jones who replaced our oil tank. or 07727195566. He is based in Grindley Brook, Whitchurch.

Stephanie Richardson on Lockdown

29th January 2021 @ 9:50am

It's strange to think that in the future, when friends are gathered together outside, they can turn to a young child and tell them 'this used to be illegal!'

Bob McClintock on Roads and drainage

29th January 2021 @ 9:00am

Lived in this area.for 60years plus .Got to say the condition of both as reached a new low Suggest C E is top heavy with chiefs and computers and very short on real workers doing real jobs. We are lucky in Audlem we've got Gavin keeping our village in good clean condition C E need lots of Gavins

Bwilkins on Booming noises

29th January 2021 @ 3:18am

Thanks guys it's driving me mad as well. As bounces off double glazing .and said starlings are in Buerton ,in my garden mostly .

Peter Morgan on The importance of drainage

28th January 2021 @ 8:07pm

Cheshire East Councillors seem more interested in issues such as badger vaccination than matters of minor importance to some of them, such as road drainage and road repairs arising from the damage caused by blocked road gulleys. Does anyone have Brian May's phone number ? Perhaps we could ring him and ask if he would have a quiet word with a few influential Councillors. And if your road gulleys are blocked up at Royals Green and Whitchurch Road, Mike, then there is little hope for the rest of us down in the village, is there Rachael?

michael boffey on The importance of drainage

28th January 2021 @ 3:20pm

Cheshire East have been a complete failure with drains,been trying to mend royals green lane for 3 years now,still flooded today.
Also whitchurch road going up from the river seems to be washing away from a blocked drain,most dangerous in the cold weather

Jenny Frank on Oil Tank Move

28th January 2021 @ 1:33pm

Can anyone recommend someone to move the oil tank in our garden please.

bob fousert on Qualified electrician

28th January 2021 @ 10:43am

Fully endorse what Celia has recommended. Peter is very good and very reasonable + he's local!

Jenny Collis-Smith on Norman Conquest

27th January 2021 @ 7:23pm

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Norman and helpers who worked hard to clear the flood at the Bagley Lane end of Wood Orchard Lane.
You have done a really fantastic job and I'm sure I speak on behalf of many local people who are using this Lane for their daily exercise (as we do!) It's good to walk with dryer feet!!
Thankyou Norman!

Celia Bloor on Qualified electrician

27th January 2021 @ 5:32pm

Pete Bentley Audlem electricals Windmill Drive..........

Jeff Price on Cheshire East

27th January 2021 @ 12:19pm

It is interesting to observe on Audlem Online the many accusations of the ineptitude of Cheshire East, especially in relation to the dysfunctional Highways Department. I'd like to add that it is now 232 days since I reported the failure of a light bulb in the dark Churchfields alleyway and subsequent requests now do not even get the courtesy of a reply. At the same time, the News section is fully of almost weekly glossy statements from Cheshire East about plans and consultations. I suggest that Cheshire East and its population would be better served with fewer plans and consultations and more basic maintenance. Too many chiefs and not enough indians? (apologies if this phrase is no longer politically correct).

john wainwright on Booming noises

27th January 2021 @ 11:43am

The noises you can hear are on a recording loop to keep flocks of predatory starlings off local farmer's cattle feed. Also there are sounds of hawks and other birds of prey .. Seems to be working as the starlings appear to have moved on lately.

Nigel Machin on Booming noises

27th January 2021 @ 10:39am

Booming noises – Its a bird scaring device at the Farm near to the Cricket Ground -sounds like a WW1 battle ground. Worse this year – dogs hate it.

B wilkins on Booming noises

27th January 2021 @ 9:12am

In the last couple of months starting about 8am keep hearing loud bangs/ booms at first thought were shotguns potting pigeons, but now seem to be a boom rather than the pop of guns , Come from around lower long hill lane Buerton, can anyone shed some light please .

John Brooksbank on The importance of drainage

26th January 2021 @ 7:34pm

If residents would like to see an excellent example of the effects of CE's total lack of response to reported blocked drains and gullies then look no further than the junction of Mount Pleasant and Woore Road. At this location you can enjoy the sight of a water fountain reaching for the sky as it escapes with velocity and volume from a nearby BT manhole. When you tire of that spectacle why not go surfing on the torrents of water that escape the flooded main road as they hurtle down Mount Pleasant? It really is a marvellous day out but please follow social distancing regulations at all times and make sure younger ones are wearing water wings or other suitable floatation aids.

Michael Cookson on Window Cleaner

26th January 2021 @ 5:19pm

Window Cleaner. Try Mike Simpson-Wlllett. Phone 07939645913. Mail
Not only do his team clean windows they will clean fascias, solar panels, empty gutters and repair them.
We have used him for over 20 years – highly recommended

Fiona Riley on Window Cleaner

26th January 2021 @ 4:09pm

Hi Carol

I live in Buerton and use a company called Dazzle. Email or call 07743 478959. Website is

Hope this helps

Mike Smith on Window Cleaner

26th January 2021 @ 3:38pm

Try Audlem Online website: Directories/Businesses/Home Services & Trades/Cleaning.

There are two companies who clean windows in Audlem listed there, There is also Dave Barker who does our windows in Buerton, but unfortunately I don't have his contact number.

Mike Smith

James Irvine on Norman Conquest

26th January 2021 @ 12:50pm

Heartfelt thanks for a fantastic job done by Norman and Dave.

This episode of neglected drainage, and lots more like it, generates understandably heightened feelings towards Cheshire East Council such as it not being fit for purpose. A little controlled anger can sometimes be a productive thing , providing of course it's aimed at the correct target.

Can you think of any logical reason why any local council with the equipment, manpower and money would refuse to carry out the relatively simple task of clearing a drain ? -------no, me neither.
The Local Government Association says councils have faced a reduction in core funding since 2010 of 60 %, the Financial Times has it at 77 %.
As our American cousins would put it-----go figure!

colin cliffe on Norman Conquest

26th January 2021 @ 10:42am

Am I not right in thinking that the traditional 'Lengthsman' was usually an employee (or called upon where needed) by the Parish Council, not usually the Borough council to maintain local roads and gulleys. Everyone living locally already knows where the habitual problems are so to employ someone to maintain them alone would surely be a huge leap forward. Please note I am in no way defending the very Poor Borough Council I would just like someone to do something about anything. Please note I am writing this post from within a pothole in Paddock Lane and if it wasn't for the lockdown I would be Kayaking around Billy's garden.

Carol P on Qualified electrician

26th January 2021 @ 8:29am

Are there any qualified electricians in the Audlem/Buerton area please?

Carol P on Window Cleaner

26th January 2021 @ 8:27am

Does anyone know of a window cleaner willing to travel to Buerton to clean our windows please?

Nigel Mottershead on Gutter Cleaning and Gutter fixing

25th January 2021 @ 4:27pm

Try Anthony Jess from Shavington. First class work.

07913 533859

Billy Gibbons on Norman Conquest

25th January 2021 @ 12:23pm

I totally agree with Norman! Well said. It's exactly the same regarding the Brooks. Years ago we used to have the relevant authorities cleaning them out and dredging them.....not any more. Regarding the CE Highways; I've spoken to them this morning about the water off the road coming on to my property and helping it to flood. We'll see what occours...I hope I don't have to wait as long as I have for that (non-existant) street sign. As for the Brook totally flooding my property; after the authorities telling me they won't help me at all, I'm waiting for Edward Timpson to get in touch. Here's hoping he may get the ball rolling.

Nigel Mottershead on Norman Conquest

25th January 2021 @ 11:50am

A big thanks from Sally and me too for the Wood Orchard Lane drain clearing. Great job Norman. I echo your sentiments as well regarding Cheshire East Council Highways – what they do is very poor indeed and they need a severe shake up regarding what is done with the monies taken fro us all. The Lengthsmen used to do a fantastic job, as Norman has also said; bring them back which would be good value for us all.

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