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G. Ridley-Clark on Pick up after your dog

8th February 2021 @ 11:53am

Having just walked down the canal from Coxbank to the village with my dog I was appalled to see the amount of dog faeces that had not been picked up! There is no excuse for this! There are bins on the canal for disposal of such waste, why oh why can't people use them! I'm sure the majority of dog walkers do but it's the minority that give us dog lovers a bad name!

Debra evans on moving a settee inside house

8th February 2021 @ 10:51am

we picked up a settee yesterday and need a man( or 2 ) to help take it off the van and round the back of the house through the conservatory doors..and put the old one on the van for us to take to the tip
i cannot manage it alone as its heavy.
does anybody know a local man with van (although we dont need the the help)that we could get a price from?

its a 15min job if that.
we are in between audlem & woore on the a525

Suzie Warren on Pick up after your dog

8th February 2021 @ 9:52am

If there is one thing guaranteed to get me growling and harrumphing more than HS2 – it is dog poop stuffed into a plastic bag and left adorning a tree, bush, fence. It will be there, potentially, for the next 100 years or more. If you do this, can you explain what your thinking is, please? II would love to know.

Here's a thought, how about you kick it to the side undergrowth if it is too heavy to carry to the nearest poop bin.
You're welcome.

Kevin Errington on Thank you

8th February 2021 @ 9:28am

Just a big thank you to all those kind people who stopped last night when the wheel came off my Freelander at Corbook and offered assistance. Especially Luke for sorting out the trailer etc.
Fortunately no injuries or damage to any others or vehicles occurred.
Successfully recovered and hopefully sorted out soon.
Many thanks again lovely people.

Celia Bloor on Star Count

8th February 2021 @ 7:47am

Did this count last year and was disappointed to find even on Bagley Lane the light pollution was bad. There is a farm on the southern horizon with very bright lights on all the time and there seems to be a fashion for illuminating the outside of houses for no good reason. Movement sensors should be used if security is the worry.

Paul Tillin on Pick up after your dog

7th February 2021 @ 2:50pm

Unfortunately, as with so many dog related posts, eg. Keeping dogs under control, dog poo etc, the brain is at the dog end of the lead!

Mike Harthern on Pick up after your dog

7th February 2021 @ 1:32pm

Just a couple of statistics. Last Friday l found 4 piles of poo on my grass verge, and on Saturday 3 piles and an additional one on the drive which my daughter moved. My neighbour informs me that he is finding fully loaded poo bags in his garden on his vegetable patch and behind a shrub adjacent to the kissing gate on Monks Lane/Meadows Farm path. Things are becoming worse by the day and l would ask dog owners, please pick up your dog mess and show some respect for your village , land owners and fellow villagers.

Brittany Wright on Pick up after your dog

7th February 2021 @ 11:05am

Its not just the lanes, people are letting their four legged friends poo on the footpaths in the village and leaving it for people to walk in. You might leave the mess in your garden but please clear it up on the streets. Its not a nice experience for people to walk in it or a push chair. Have some respect 🙌

Chris Greaves on Pick up after your dog

7th February 2021 @ 10:38am

Totally agree with Karen. The worst is people go to the trouble of picking up said dog poo in plastic bags and then throw the bags into hedges/fields/gardens. Can't understand this mentality when plastic doesn't degrade. Bins would be a good idea but changing peoples' mindsets even better.

Judith Naden on Pick up after your dog

7th February 2021 @ 10:17am

Some of us that live opposite the alley between Church View and Church Fields are also having to regularly clean up dog poo off our drives and front lawns. As many of you know this alley is notorious for being a dog poo hot spot, even though there is a litter bin and a dog poo bin in place, most responsible dog owners do use them but there seems to be a few inconsiderate dog owners who just choose to let their dog foul with out picking up. I really don't understand these people it only takes a few moments to stop, pick up the mess in your little black bag and pop it in the bin.

karen WOLLASTON on Pick up after your dog

7th February 2021 @ 9:05am

Monks Lane has recently become very popular as a walking route due to both the local new housing development at this end of the village and Covid 19 causing us all to take a walk as our daily exercise. It's lovely to see people on this stretch of road, but not so much when they don't pick up their dog's poo!! My parents live on Monks lane and are regularly removing dog poo from their front garden and yesterday I removed it from their drive and garden. It's a disgrace when mans best friend is let down by some owners that can't be bothered or think it doesn't matter.
Is there any chance of a dog poo bin on the lane as this may help.

bob fousert on Roads and drainage

6th February 2021 @ 6:52pm

Rachel Bailey recently made comment re the possibility of Cheshire East Council cutting the highway budget whilst at the same time seeking to increase council tax by 4.99 per cent.
I have subsequently made a Freedom of Information request to CEC asking how much has been saved on the travel and subsistance budgets with many members of staff having to work from home and the need to hold virtual meetings. All credit to their FoI office, I received a reply within 24 hours. (If only the rest of CEC was so efficient) The figure is a smidge under a staggering £1.5M! Given that CEC pay a mileage allowance of 52.2 pence per mile for cars over 1500cc, which is well above the tax allowable figure of 45 pence per mile that most councils pay, maybe CEC should consider cutting their generous allowances and investing the money where it is really needed, on road repair and gulley clearance rather than swinging the hatchet at the Highways Department.

bob fousert on They wonder why we have floods!

6th February 2021 @ 6:46pm

Whilst out on today's pensioner perambulation on the way to Audlem from Buerton I saw a gardener clearing his land by throwing items into the adjacent brook. And they wonder why we have floods!

Geraint Davies on The Romping Cat

6th February 2021 @ 11:49am

What an interesting, full account of the history of the Romping Cat by Peter Morgan in today's AOL. Sue and I thoroughly enjoyed reading such a detailed account. I wonder when, and by whom, the house name was changed to Pentre. The word 'pentre' in Welsh means 'village', but there's a danger in jumping to quick conclusions when looking at derivations of words. Many thanks Peter for your lovely article.

Sheila julian on Charity shop

5th February 2021 @ 1:17pm

Kevin, the charity shop is taking donations on request, so if you would like to ring me on 07811 660058 we can arrange a time for you drop off or we can collect if need be. Please note we do not take large furniture.

Kevin Errington on Charity shop

5th February 2021 @ 11:28am

Does anyone know or have contact with the charity shop as I have loads of donations?
I was wondering if they are taking any at the moment.
Regards Kevin

Colin Cliffe on Canal repair update

5th February 2021 @ 9:50am

Following on from the heightened security measures and the Editors response of, I didn't know you could steal a canal, he should realise that it's not the canal that is at risk here but actually it's the sides of the canal they are protecting. Has he never heard of a Bank robber?

Adrian Leighton on Coriolis Effect

5th February 2021 @ 9:27am

I reported the new whirlpool at Bridge 74 to CR&T yesterday and an engineer reported to me today that it is the result of a controlled release of water to a nearby sluice . This don't account for the reverse direction of the whirl , which remains a mystery.

Denise slater on The Post Office

4th February 2021 @ 11:23am

Can I just say a big Thankyou to Megan for starting the post office in her "lovely" chocolate shop. She is always pleasant and very helpful and like all of us is entitled to take time off for a holiday. It's a shame there are people out there who just like to moan instead of thinking about all the positives......

Peter Silvester on Cheshire East

2nd February 2021 @ 11:14pm

Cheshire East Council seems to get slated regularly here, but can I break the mould and praise them. Just a week ago, I reported via their website that three of the four street lights along the road to the canal wharf had stopped working. A van came out today and their staff fixed the fault. The lights are now working. Excellent service!

Joe Hoyles on The Post Office

2nd February 2021 @ 9:52am

Audlem remains a vibrant, community-led village because people like Megan are prepared to go the extra mile. Remember use all local services to save them. Keep up the good work, you are doing a great job Thank you Megan!

Heather Jones on The Post Office

1st February 2021 @ 7:30pm

It is cheering to see all the positive comments about Megan and I have to to praise her commitment to ensuring there is a still Post Office in Audlem. As Geoff Seddon pointed out, it was very difficult to get a full Post Office service back in the village when the old Post Office closed. There was a problem in finding suitable premises and (even more importantly) a shop owner willing to meet the Post Office's demanding requirements. It was only with Megan's determination to battle through all this that a Post Office was eventually reinstated in the village. Having a few days off after a year like 2020 or some small delays in the mail (which are totally outside Megan's control) should be nothing to complain about when for a long period people had to go to Woore, Market Drayton or Nantwich to get a full Post Office service. Audlem remains a vibrant, community-led village precisely because people like Megan are prepared to go the extra mile. Keep up the good work, Megan!

Megan Goode on The Post Office

1st February 2021 @ 7:01pm

Thank you to everyone for your LLLovely comments, it has made my day to see so much support from the village. Now more than ever it's important that we look out and support each other as best we can.

No one is perfect, there is always room for improvement but rest assured that myself, Adam and the LLLovely team will continue to serve the community to our full capacity :) keep safe and take care.

Ann Tilling on Postal Workers

1st February 2021 @ 5:54pm

Just want to say a big thank you to our 'posties'. It is I imagine harder for them since the old Post Office, which combined all the services, was closed.
They are out in all weathers and in my experience always have a smile or something cheering to say. Many thanks.

Ann Tilling on The Post Office

1st February 2021 @ 5:48pm

I remember the grim interregnum when we were without a Post Office. I imagine people are complaining about the general Post Office service not our local one. I for one still tend to think of the shop end and delivery end as being combined.
My only minor beef with the current arrangement is that it is too tempting! Lovely selection of chocolate delights and Snugbury's Ice Cream.
Megan always is patient (those who know me will realise she often has to be) and pleasant.

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