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Christina Bridges on Lost/ Roving dog

11th March 2021 @ 5:33pm

A fox red Labrador (with collar) has been spotted wandering along the Corbrook Court area of the village, Heathfields Estate and up by the school.

Lesley Dale-Lace on Amazon calls

11th March 2021 @ 3:52pm

Kevin Errington's response to fake Amazon calls is brilliant. However, one of the funniest responses I've ever heard was by American comedian, Tom Mabe. He convinced a cold caller that he had phoned a crime scene and is interrogated by Tom (the Homicide Detective) to hilarious effect and convinces the caller that he is a suspect in a murder investigation:

Nick Smith on Speeding through our village

11th March 2021 @ 11:29am

Longhill Lane is exactly the same. People do not realise or care that if they loose control they could kill a walker or cyclists. The speed limit on Longhill lane, seems to me, to be a minimum of 40mph for cars and 50 mph for tractors and pickup trucks.
Please drive with care a sections of Longhill Lane is SINGLE track.

J Lambert on Recommendation wanted

10th March 2021 @ 8:01pm

Hi. Can anyone recommend a good Tiler. For a small area in Utility Room. Thanks

Vic Pomadi on Speeding through our village

10th March 2021 @ 1:11pm

Has the Corona virus had an effect on people to not understand that the speed limit in our village and the roads leading in and out is 30 MPH. The majority of motorists entering and leaving the village particularly on the Whitchurch road seem to be driving at dangerous speeds far in excess of the 30MPH limit, drifting over the white line on the bend leading out of the narrow section of road and triggering the warning sign in the other direction, The speed limit warning sign is in-fact is before the weaver bridge so what is it these people do not understand ? Shall we just have to wait for something serious to happen before anyone takes any notice ?

Dave Martin on Automatic garage door.

10th March 2021 @ 10:51am

We (and others) have used Lymer Doors. Not exactly local, as based in Leek, but they were happy to come to Audlem.
Good product, good advice, good price, good installation. 01538 388727

Siôn Price on Automatic garage door.

9th March 2021 @ 5:28pm

Hello, Can anyone recommend a local company to supply and fit an automated single garage door. Thanks in advance.

Michael Cookson on Recommendation wanted

8th March 2021 @ 7:56pm

Plasterer try Warner Baxter ( He does an excellent job, I have used him on several occasions.

Peter Morgan on Footpaths – PROW

8th March 2021 @ 3:50pm

In reply to Sandra Rothwell, I have to point out that there is a greater danger to her when walking through the farmyard at Monks Hall than there will be in an open field. At stock feeding times a large telescopic handler is often present carrying very heavy unwieldy bales of feed to the cattle and at busy periods of the year such as harvest, contractors will be moving rapidly through the yards, often around tight corners with large tractors and trailers. It is unfair to both drivers and the farm owners to make special allowances for walkers who deviate from the marked footpath. Indeed, if an accident were to occur in the farmyard, it could easily result in prosecution by the HSE of the landowner concerned, if they had failed to make walkers aware of the correct route and keep them out of the yard and away from the danger.
It is equally unrealistic to expect landowners to fence off path corridors through their fields to keep walkers away from livestock. In my experience horses usually shy away from dogs and walkers, unlike cattle who are curious. Fortunately, there are safe alternatives in our parish such as the canal towpath, the Turnpike field and a wealth of rural lanes, avoiding harvest times of course!

Alan Henderson on Recommendation wanted

8th March 2021 @ 1:42pm

Looking for a reliable plasterer to render small external area of approximately 8' x 8'.
Any recommendations?

Sonia Kay on Footpaths – PROW

8th March 2021 @ 11:13am

I've just had a look after reading Bryan's post. A very informative website. This is the link for anyone who might want to take a look.,_culture_and_tourism/public_rights_of_way/public_rights_of_way.aspx

Kevin Errington on Amazon calls

7th March 2021 @ 6:57pm

When receiving these cold calls etc there is usually a delay on pick up before 'they' speak.
This gives me the opportunity to answer with either 'COBRA briefing room, Prime ministers office'or 'SAS HQ, Stirling Lines'
This causes a pause then the person either hangs up or starts to speak.
At this point I ask them how they got this number and to hold the line while the call is traced.
The line tends to go dead then.
I don't normally get a call back...
I did have one young man terrified once when he thought MI5 were going to visit him.

Bryan Clydesdale on Footpaths – PROW

7th March 2021 @ 12:48pm

For local walkers there is available on the CEC website an Interactive Map which shows all the Footpaths (PROW) in this area. It very easy to use an will clarify the route of any footpath (PROW) that they wish to walk.

You can download a screenshot of any particular section also.

On the website there is also available a Problem Reporting Form which walkers can complete for any problems they encounter while out walking.

Ann Tilling on Sunday Supplement .

7th March 2021 @ 9:36am

Great! Well worth the wait.

Sandra Rothwell on Thoroughfare from coole lane bridge passing through Goodwins farm and Maughans farm to Hankelow mill and to the main road

7th March 2021 @ 8:46am

I too have lived and walked in this area for years, and until recently hadn't realised that the path went around Monks Hall farm not through it.... On taking the correct path through the field I was confronted by quite a few horses occupying the field, as I had my dog with me, I was very frightened- do I let him go, or keep on him on the lead with me? On reaching the other side of the field the gate is old and rusty and extremely difficult to open, and I ended up trapped, horses behind and unable to get over the gate. In my opinion, as it is at the moment, that footpath is dangerous, (a) from the livestock loose in the field (b) the fact that the gate is extremely difficult to open. I would be grateful if those at Monks Hall farm could understand- from a pedestrians point of view- why it is that we end up walking through their farm! If the farmer could at least section off the horses and replace the gate I would be very happy to use the path!

Joe Sheldon on Amazon calls

7th March 2021 @ 7:28am

I just had one of our friends on the phone telling me he is from my internet provider and I will be disconnected unless I answer a few questions, I asked him to repeat what he had just said, and then asked him to repeat again, and again, I then told the chap I had recorded the conversation and would be contacting the authorities (whatever that means), strange thing is he hung up, no doubt one of his team will call me again, after all its two or three times a day this happens, seemed like a nice chap

Nick Smith on Amazon calls

6th March 2021 @ 9:03pm

I have also had a call from Amazon on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and twice on Saturday. Each time from a different caller I.D. Yes it is a scam.

Isobel on Thoroughfare from coole lane bridge passing through Goodwins farm and Maughans farm to Hankelow mill and to the main road

6th March 2021 @ 3:55pm

Isobel, apologies – I just re-read your post and wonder if you might be referring to the the private drive which goes between Monks Hall farm and Coole Hall farm – there is no public right of way through the Monks Hall farm buildings and never has been. There is a footpath from Monks Hall Cottages diagonally across the field which meets up with the drive through Coole Hall Farm. If you're not sure where it is let me know I can show you where it is (at a safe distance). We've had to put signs up as we've been inundated with walkers straying off the path and trying to walk through the buildings – it's a working farm with heavy machinery operating at any time of day or night so hopefully it will keep people on the footpaths and safe from harm.

Janet Maughan on Thoroughfare from coole lane bridge passing through Goodwins farm and Maughans farm to Hankelow mill and to the main road

6th March 2021 @ 3:48pm

Isabel, Cheryl is quite correct, after you come off the canal bridge the footpath goes through the gate on your right (if the canal is behind you) and across the corner of the field to meet the two stiles. There is a footpath marker on the gatepost but it's often missed and people tend to walk down the private farm track. It's not particularly a problem and often easier than crossing the field in the winter time. The farm track after the field gate on your right is not and never has been a public right of way and it's use is by permission of the landowner and at your own risk. We have been inundated with walkers straying off the footpaths during this lockdown. It's lovely to see people out and about and enjoying the early spring sunshine (but not so lovely to pick up the rubbish they occasionally drop and also to meet with unpleasant remarks when we politely remind them where the footpath is).

Carol on Keys

6th March 2021 @ 12:17pm

Set of keys found in car park today with yellow emoji keyring. Handed in to Williams newsagents

Christine Towers on Amazon calls

6th March 2021 @ 11:44am

Has anyone had a call from Amazon querying an order. Wondering if it is a scam.

Cheryl Cooper on Thoroughfare from coole lane bridge passing through Goodwins farm and Maughans farm to Hankelow mill and to the main road

6th March 2021 @ 10:18am

The route hasn't actually changed; as you approach the sign just before Monks Hall Farm the official footpath turns right and then left and goes down the edge of the field emerging on the farm road in the corner.

Isobel sykes on Thoroughfare from coole lane bridge passing through Goodwins farm and Maughans farm to Hankelow mill and to the main road

6th March 2021 @ 8:58am

I regularly walk from the canal at coole lane to Hankelow via the footpath and right of way passing through Goodwins farm ( coole hall farm) and passing Maughans farm (monks hall farm).
A sign has appeared denying access on the path which is a right of way and has been for a very very long time !
Can anybody explain how and why this route has been changed ?

Denise Harrison on Field for rent

5th March 2021 @ 6:56pm

Hi. I was wondering if anyone has a secure field for rent. Potentially with an outbuilding. Audlem area please


Nick smith on Garden landscaping

5th March 2021 @ 8:25am

Any suggestions as to where I can buy "landscaping supplies ". I need slabs, sharp sand ,cement and materials for boarders. All suggestions would be much appreciated, I am new to the area.

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