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Peter Kay on Footpath obstruction

19th April 2021 @ 7:09pm

My comments about the electric fence on footpath 23 had a surprising list of responses. There were several unsurprisingly making jokes about my name and more suggesting that I was a wimp for complaining or that I didn't have the sense to take an easy detour. I don't recall one commenting adversely on the farmer's actions. The vast majority of responses let rip at the walkers who leave gates open, drop litter, take dogs and scatter dog mess or poo bags about .
Now I too hate litter, dog mess and discarded poo bags. I don't have a dog and I always shut gates but can I suggest that the village makes a really strenuous effort to stop these evils happening – led perhaps led by the complainers. We have a better chance of success than villages in places like the Peak District because I suspect that most users of the footpaths are local. Visitors are more likely to use the canal towpath. So surely we should be able to educate or shame those wayward local users into a better way of behaving.

Billy Gibbons on Green Lane Sign

19th April 2021 @ 5:39pm


Doesn't take much to make me happy does it?

Thanks CE. ;-)

Cheryl Cooper on Landscaping Design & Build Service?

19th April 2021 @ 12:01pm

I second the recommendation for Dave Cliffe, we were delighted with the work he did for us .

Andrew Carr on Landscaping Design & Build Service?

19th April 2021 @ 10:44am

Thanks Kathleen – I'll give him a call.

Kathleen Fedouloff on Landscaping Design & Build Service?

19th April 2021 @ 8:22am

Highly recommend Dave Cliffe of Bankcliffe Ltd. Mobile number 07876 730784. He did a major project for us and has done several projects for our neighbours too. All very high quality.

Andrew Carr on Landscaping Design & Build Service?

18th April 2021 @ 8:37am


Can anybody please recommend a good local landscaping design & build service? We're looking to create an outdoor kitchen / entertaining area and are in need of some help!

Many thanks :-)

Allan Phoenix on Gas

16th April 2021 @ 6:20pm

Yes, there is definitely gas on the Anwyl Homes estate. There is a communal underground Calor gas tank, and each house is individually metered as with 'town' gas. The cost is about the same as mains gas.

Dave Martin on Save Our Steps

16th April 2021 @ 6:19pm

Shame on you Canal & River Trust! Over the last 18 months in our area you have presided over:
- lengths of towpath that flood and stay that way with, at worst, average rainfall
- "fixing" towpath holes by surrounding them with hazard netting and forgetting about them
- allowing broken signage posts to lay in the hedge-back
- allowing a known faulty lock at Hack Geen to deteriorate to the extend that the canal had to have an emergency closure to fix it
- installing a new lock gate at Lock 4 that is a potential sinking hazard to boaters
- allowed boaters to seriously abuse the mooring time limits in the village
Indeed, the ONLY improvement you have made to the canal in this area in the last 18 months is the new steps at Bridge 80. And now you want to remove them!
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Dave Martin

Mike Harthern on Footpaths

16th April 2021 @ 4:44pm

That's really good news Christine, the difference being that a few week ends ago Hazel Horton did a litter pick around the Mill Lane Monks Lane loop and collected 17 poo bags in that very short distance.

Vic Pomadi on Keep off the grass

16th April 2021 @ 1:50pm

Thank you to the inconsiderate person for driving over my lawn and crushing the daffodils at the side of my property obviously Whitchurch Road is not wide enough for this individual to navigate, please show some respect for my property, contrary to common belief this is not a highways verge it belongs to me.

Nigel Young on Roadworks ?

16th April 2021 @ 12:58pm

In answer to Bob Mc, this is what's shown on the website:-

Two-way Signals in force:
All the time
Audlem Road, Audlem
S171 Works to complete tree works. Works completed by A Plant. Emergency contact number 01978 845716
Highway authority:
Cheshire East Council
Work info last updated:
26 Feb 09:53
Last updated on
16 Apr 12:58
Data source: Cheshire East Council
Learn more about the Accuracy and Liability of our data.

Peter Kay on Footpaths

16th April 2021 @ 11:28am

No electric fence this morning. The Officer says the stiles are in good condition but would consider gates and stepped access when they need replacing.

Jeff Price on Footpaths

16th April 2021 @ 10:07am

Bob: ' Taking the dog for a walk' is a euphemism. It has always meant 'Taking the dog for .....' another four-letter word. (There is a choice).

Christine Johnson on Footpaths

16th April 2021 @ 10:03am

Just got back from my usual 2 .5 mile walk starting at 8 am. I walk with a friend and her dog. We had read the posts about footpaths strewn with dog poo and festooned with poo bags so thought we would count any that we saw. I am pleased to say that on the route we took we saw none at all. We heard birds singing, saw wood anemones, wild garlic and celandine. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and met several very pleasant people and their dogs that we had a conversation with. Not every footpath is the same.

Bob McClintock on Roadworks ?

16th April 2021 @ 8:08am

Has anybody got a clue why there are cones and lights between Audlem and Hankelow ?

Nigel Mottershead on Footpaths

16th April 2021 @ 7:03am

Good morning Bob,
I hear Peter Kay is struggling to find a car share back to the studio! �£

Janet Furber on Footpaths

15th April 2021 @ 2:22pm

I support all the comments regarding litter and dog poo bags etc. Perhaps Audlem should take a lead in trying to promote the Countryside Code around our area. Dogs should be on a lead, or at least well controlled, near all livestock and all litter should be taken home or put in a bin not just thrown from a car. There are lots of walkers both local and from afar and it is a lovely area to walk around but some walkers as well as some people in vehicles leave so much rubbish on the grass verges around our lanes, as well as in the fields and on footpaths. Today I was disgusted to find a discarded facemask in a field where animals graze, or the grass will be made into silage for them to eat.

Jackie Thompson on Gas

15th April 2021 @ 12:02pm

I think any gas central heating will be LPG, which is what I have.

Bob McClintock on Footpaths

15th April 2021 @ 8:03am

Couldn't agree more with Mike Harthern's comments . Seems like walking and dog poo go hand in hand these days . Does anybody know when Peter Kay will be back on the television?

Kaye Harrison on Gas

14th April 2021 @ 7:32pm

I am interested in moving to Audlem. I assumed there was no mains gas but I have just read details of a house that says gas central heating. Is there mains gas at all? Thank you.

Mike Harthern on Footpath obstruction

14th April 2021 @ 12:05pm

And will the footpath inspector really inspect the excrement ridden footpaths and the fully loaded poo bags thrown into hedges and verges. I doubt it very much.

Peter Kay on Footpath obstruction

14th April 2021 @ 9:20am

The Footpaths Officer has agreed to check the stiles.

John T on Childminders / nanny options

13th April 2021 @ 9:22pm

Hi everyone. My wife is due to go back to work after maternity at the beginning of August and we're a few weeks away from moving to Audlem. Any recommendations on a childminder/nanny for our daughter? She will be 12 months in August. We hope to use the nursery adjacent to the school eventually, but they don't take children until they're older.
Thanks for any help.

E Fisher on Footpath obstruction

13th April 2021 @ 1:41pm

Mr Kay...really? Is it THAT difficult to take a slightly different route??

Peter Morgan on Footpath Obstruction

13th April 2021 @ 9:12am

I regularly walk this footpath with my Labrador (on a lead) and we both negotiate the electric fence with ease. It is a low fence and easily stepped over and if you have a walking pole it can be depressed or lifted to allow the dog to pass. The two stiles that have to be negotiated to get into that field are far more challenging and potentially dangerous than the low electric fence complained about. Had it been a higher cattle electric fence then one would expect it to have been shielded by a length of insulation tubing, but that is totally unnecessary in this case and would undoubtedly allow the sheep to escape.

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